Last year on Mother's Day I still had drains hanging out of me from my mastectomy and hysterectomy. And as I entered this race I was 14 months free from Cancer. I was overwhelmed by the massive amounts of cancer survivors at the race and the amount of women that were there being pushed in wheelchairs that were currently battling the beast of cancer. It was overwhelmingly emotional. I realized that I was one of them, I was a fighter and I was able to beat the beast.
So here we go and on with the race, as we were herded like cattle to the starting line and crammed together while waiting the celebrities, and Revlon execs talk and inspire the crowd. Well along came a group of children who's teacher had just lost her battle with breast cancer and they sang "Amazing Grace", which on my best day makes me well up with tears, well today it turned the flood gates on.
So the start of the race is a bit slow because everyone is running under the stage being waved at by the ridiculously beautiful Halle Berry. Once we were able to get going I was good we set about a 14 minute mile pace, but I swear from my crying I couldn't get my wind (that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it). I had to stop to walk 3 times but just for a minute and then I was good. As we ran the streets of LA through walkers and joggers and babies in strollers and people with pink outfits we were then coming down the tunnel of the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum onto the field and crossing the finish line was amazing.
For those 43 minutes all the chatter that normally goes on in my head about how I won't do it or can't do it was gone because I was just knowing I could do it, I knew I would finish, crappy time but I finished. I got the first race under my belt. I felt fit, I felt (not thin) but not like the fat girl, I felt good, I felt happy, I felt relieved.
I felt that I was given the best Mother's Day gift ever. I got my life, my husband, my kids, my family and all my friends. What more could anyone ever want??? I got to fight and live. Those 'effing Real Housewives really distort life for the Real Moms out there.
I am planning on my next race and hopefully it will be something a little less chaotic and more like a fun run, where it is not so emotionally moving that I have tears streaming down my face 1/2 of the race.
So on I go, to the next race a few more 5K's and working my way up to the 1/2 marathon in January. So you all of you mom's that inspire me, and all my fitness friends online, and my family and friends. I am a runner. I'm not winning any races but I am crossing the finish line, and in my book that is a win.