I spent a couple of days at my parents house over the holiday break. On an insomnia attack, I was going through old photos of my moms on the computer, and was absolutely friggin stunned at what I saw.
I have been on this fitness journey for most of this year, I started and fell off many times last year, but in March when I hit the 1 year cancer free mark I went balls out and have worked to get and stay fit.
Well what I found on the computer was depressing. I don't know, how I didn't see it before, but my Lord how did I let myself get like that?
That unhealthy life had to be a contributing factor to getting cancer, along with the genetic factors I had working against me. But the cancer was really what scared me into getting fit. Not skinny, not looking better, but actually BEING better. A better person, mom, wife, sister, daughter, friend. I had no other choice to be around for my kids and care for them. So I bit the bullet, and started walking, committed to exercising 20 minutes a day, and slowly changed my nutrition.
I did not join a gym or give any fitness guru a dollar. I had been there and done that a million times. I watched Biggest Loser, and thought if those chubettes could run, then my fat ass could run. So off I went, and I just completed my first 10K and am training for my first 1/2 marathon. I am a damn runner, it happened. I really am a runner, I don't know how it happened. I don't love running, but I NEED to do it. I need to get on the tready or the road many times a week.
Before I started to notice the weight loss, I noticed the mental part. I was on anti-depressants thinking that was a cure all for everything that had happened in a year. Cancer, Autism diagnosis, husband in rehab, craptastic economy, just crappy life circumstances.
July 2011 In Progress |
But as a ran, I craved better food, I craved exercise and sweating, and getting out of drama and strife. I don't want those things around me they made me fat, and I don't want to go back to this BEFORE, I want to stay "in progress", I don't think I want to be an "after" ever, because that might tell my feeble mind that I don't have to work anymore and that I can stop. I am choosing "Before" and "In Progress" - hopefully for always. I am no expert, no guru, no genius, I just found something that is working for me and was able to tap into some online resources, and this is the most successful I have ever been at a fitness goal.
If you are sitting there, just wanting to be different, you can, if I can you can.
October 2011 84 lbs off and happy and getting healthy |
Before Cancer |
November 2009 Before Cancer |