A new school year to me always brings a maternal level of anxiety, and this year especially so. My "baby" started Kindergarten, and it's a big deal. He's growing up, he's making his way and I'm not sure I was or am ready to make that break. I miss him during the day, but am immensely enjoying him when he comes home from school, with a new phrase or quirk that he has learned at school. So I'm excited and apprehensive.
This year my kids are at different schools, so I have an added thing. I have 2 groups of moms to get to know, 2 schools to volunteer at, 2 PTA's, and 2 teachers, and 2 principals. All of that is enough to give me a case of the runs alone.
My stress exists on many levels. The first day of school there are the "over achieving" moms that have gifts, and donuts, and chalk board photos of their perfectly coiffed children, in their amazing Nordstrom outfit. I just have never been able to get all the stuff done that most moms do get done. I accept it and know it is what it is. I have come to accept that what my weaknesses are and what my strengths are, and that perfectly gift wrapped, and snack mom, well it just ain't me. I'm not a size 2, but I'm fit actually fitter than most 46 year old cancer survivors, I'm not the most popular blog in OC, but a lot of people like my blog, and tell me that. My kids aren't the kids that other kids are dying to come to our house and play, but they are friggin' amazing every single day and can work circles around most of the over indulged Orange County children, they have their issues, and I couldn't be more thrilled to be their mommy.
And while I love to peruse on Pinterest. I have a feeling that it is an evil plot by men to get women and moms to workout, cook and decorate immaculately. And I ALWAYS feel like I am falling short. I don't always have the perfect meal cooked, I slack on my workouts and take a couple of weeks off, and the only thing I can DIY well is drive a car. Very little creative juices flow in my brain, and the stuff I copy off of Pinterest is just pitiful.
This year I am going to try and take a different tack, and instead of the constant feeling of inadequacies that I have to deal with everyday. I'm going to try to just know what my limitations are, know I am good at some things, and if it's not wrapping 24 presents on time for Groundhog Day, sometimes I just am able to throw some cupcakes in a box, deliver them for no reason and they are met with the same smile as the Pinterest holiday porn tha is t peddled so viciously to moms.
I am practicing at getting better and doing things one day at a time. I do not and will not have all of my Christmas shopping started, done and wrapped in the month of October or November. But I will think small and finish the accomplishments.
Autism and life to me get overwhelming, and what I am going to do this year, is just get back to basics, and not making myself insane trying to keep up with the moms that are CLEARLY popping their kids ADD medication (just kidding). I have finally come to the level of acceptance that is going to bring me some peace of mind. I'm not a size 2, but I'm fit. I'm not the most popular blogger in California, but I love getting emails from the people that love what I write. My kids are not the most popular kids in OC, but they are the most amazing kids I've met. I'm grateful right now, and I haven't felt that in a long time. My life is a blessing, and I need to realize that I am all I am and all I can do is be as awesome as I can everyday. I'm attempting to be awesome, as awesome as I can and as awesome as I think awesome is. If you think it's awesome it's a bonus, but the most important is that the people I share a house with get the most awesome me I can bring to the party.
I am going to make an effort to make sure I get my exercise, at least 20 minutes a day, cook 4 meals a week, and shuttle my kids to and from the 14 different activities and therapies they have a week. I am going to focus on my kids smiles more than on keeping up with people that don't care if I am competing with them.
So to the 2014/2015 school year, we are going to attempt a BE AWESOME year, and hope you do too.