Mothers Day, it's here, and I waited my whole life to be a mom for the perks of a holiday in my honor... but after a decade of motherhood, and autism, and special needs, there are moms though that I want to thank and honor, and as I sit here and write this I am choked up because there are women that I have battled this labyrinth of special needs and made and build the path that has helped me be the mom I am today. There are not enough ways to express my gratitude.
The moms I am specifically referring to are my fellow Autism and Special Needs Moms. My TACA Tribe. You're so much more than just moms, you are fierce warriors who wear many hats. I mean being a mom is hard enough, and rewarding (sometimes), and infuriating (sometimes), and for the most part we all as moms do a great job.

But the warrior moms, especially you pioneers that have walked, and trudged in front of me.
Just thank you.
Thank you for showing me it is possible to get through the worst day of your life, diagnosis day. Thank you for showing me how to put my big girl pants on and "handle it".
Thank you for being there when I need to cry.
Thank you for making me not feel like I am a lunatic.
Thank you for showing me how to communicate with my kids.
Thank you for showing me how to advocate for my kids.
Thank you for giving me hope.
Thank you for giving me a way to walk.
Thank you for showing me you're not perfect.
Thank you for losing your shit sometimes.
Thank you for making autism manageable.
Thank you for showing me that I don't have to let "them" put my kid in the "limited" box.
Thank you for showing me that there are endless possibilities.
Thank you for showing me the importance of consistency.
Thank you for reminding me setbacks aren't permanent
Thank you for accepting the flawed human I am, and helping me anyway
Thank you for putting me back together when I fall apart.
Thank you for calling me out when I was whining too much.
Thank you for being my instruction manual on this journey.
Despite all the challenges you women go through everyday, you are my rock, my teachers, my friends, my therapists, and every single day I'm grateful that I was put on your path.

I have learned that I had to become a teacher, speech pathologist, occupational therapist, maid, lawyer, driver, nurse, cook, and trailblazer for helping my kids learn and thrive.
You have taught me to believe that HOPE is always possible, setback don't define my kids, my kids are human and deserve to be treated as such - and it's my job to make sure that the "professionals" do. You have taught me coffee is life, and sleep is a luxury I will enjoy someday.
When I started this journey, I thought the "professionals" were on our side to help our kids. I soon found out there is one box that they want to put all of autism in and either ignore it, or blame parents or autism for ANYTHING that may happen to them injury, sickness or behavior wise. What I soon realized was the only side, or tribe I had were families like ours on a journey with no real map or directions but you were building roads, bridges and byways for the families to come behind you. There isn't a way to measure this much gratitude.
I can't express enough that you women, moms, chicks like me, wanting the best for our children when most of our families, friends, and loved ones had written our kids off. You people you moms, made me a mom, a warrior, a lawyer, doctor, teacher, therapist, advocate, insurance adjuster, and made our autism not a scary place, but a place of hope, when we were hopeless. The lesson and phrase of "families helping families" that is on every shirt I own from "TALK ABOUT CURING AUTISM" @tacanow is the thing in my special needs parenting that is constant. I can call on anyone of the moms I know from TACA and know I'm going to get off that phone with solution, or at least a direction to solution. When I call most doctors or professionals I usually get off those calls in a heap of tears.
So to the warriors, thank you, for making me a warrior, thank you for helping me become this mom with all the moving parts that autism requires. Happy Mothers Day, no not Mothers Day. HAPPY WARRIOR DAY, you are warriors and I'm proud to be in your tribe. I honor you and I love you all.