Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Barry's Bootcamp - End of the 30 day challenge- but still a work in progressRebec

My 30 days of training at Barry's Bootcamp in Irvine have come to an end.  It was an amazing ride, it took me to levels of working out I did not think I was capable of.  It kicked up my knowledge of nutrition, physical fitness, and mental clarity a couple of notches.  When I didn't think I could make it through something on the treadmill or even here in my home with my kids having a horrible autistic day, all I could hear were the trainer voices in my head "You can do this!", "You can do anything for 45 seconds", "Yes it will hurt, yes it will suck, but that is what makes the change happen".   It's crazy because all of those phrases are so true and it took being yelled at on a treadmill to make them a reality to me.

It was great to end the challenge at the Irvine Lake Mud Run, and while I was trudging through the mud seeing one of my trainers blow past me with a smile, I love the motivation that Scott, Kara, and Kathryn gave me to do things that as a 45 year old former fat girl never though she would be able to do.

I accepted the challenge and wanted to lose the last 20 lbs that I have been trying to get off of my rump.  I didn't quite make that goal, I lost 12 lbs in the month of March, an inch off of my waist, an inch off of my chest, and around each thigh!!!

This was a wonderful mental and physical challenge, I think an amazing cross training for my half marathon in a month.   I wake up each morning and just feel stronger.

I want to thank Barry's Bootcamp and The Ace Agency for inviting me to the challenge, it was a huge gift to mentally break through and be able to do things that I had convinced myself for years I would never be able to do. 

So I will see Barry's every Friday for a full body workout and continue my half marathon training, and becoming an athlete, the former fat girl is gone and the real athlete mom is now in the house!!!!


Always In Progress


  1. WOW! Becky you inspire me.

  2. Just wanted to congratulate you... Most people dream about making things happen... You on the other hand, are doing it... I too am a dedicated bootcamper at Barrys in SD (and I used to take Daves class in SD... Ive lost about 94 lbs... 80 of these within the first 4 months... Keep up the AWESOME work!

    1. Thank you for the kind words and for reading.i
