This weekend was like a dream, a dream come true. But the kind of dream that took hours and hours and hours of blood, sweat and tears to happen.
There was a time when autism had held us hostage, and it was so brutal, and tortured our family and my children so badly we couldn't do things that most typical families take for granted.
Last year we tried to take our first vacation ever at a hotel, and it was an epic disaster. While it had good moments, it just was so deflating to my spirit, ego and soul, I never thought it was going to get better from there.
But after that, I took a look at all we were doing with the kids took a step back, re-evaluated, therapies, medications, and just our life an general and rocked every one's world and changed everything. I changed my mindset, I changed therapy companies, I changed medications, or rather took one of the kids off medication, and I changed how I looked at autism. I was tired of always feeling defeated.
So for years we worked to get our kids to do the simplest things, like go to the beach. We live in Southern California for crying out loud. How do you NOT go to the beach. There were times I couldn't even drive my car on Pacific Coast Highway because my kids and their autism would lose their shit in the car being that close to the ocean.........It SUCKED ASS.
So everyone put on their big kid underwear, dug deep and worked, worked hard, tirelessly, and thought outside the box, to get these kids out in the community, without torturing them OR the community.
So hours and hours and hours of walking up and down the street looking at the ocean, to walking TO the sand, over and over and over.
This weekend as we have for the last 4 years, we have gone down to Salt Creek Beach to watch the Surfing Santa contest, and for the first 2 it was a snot, sweat, crying, anxiety ridden morning that made me want to just give up. But I don't and I can't give up on them! So this year we walked to the beach, and my kids put on their bathing suits and went in the friggin' ocean. And then the founder of Surfers Healing asked if Franklin wanted to surf, Franklin nodded his head and started to drag a surfboard to the beach, and then I almost fainted out of disbelief! (not really)
So when I would cry and feel alone, and wonder if I would ever see things happen with my kids, and when I wanted to stop everything because it was so hard, and I was miserable and they were miserable, things were actually happening. Really things were happening, and their lives and our lives and everything around us was and is getting better, easier, and different. Make no mistake, there are days like today that suck complete ass, and there are always going to be huge struggles and lots and lots of work to do. My attitude and outlook on that work has changed, and I have hope, that there lives will be good and get better a little bit everyday.