Saturday, January 14, 2012

Just Do It - AGAIN

Last week as I was chasing my 3 year old because he has the tendency to throw electronic devices, such as toys, cell phones, remote controls into water, like the toilet, the dog bowl, swimming pool and bath tub.   I had just gotten him out of the tub put his jammies on and was getting ready to get the 5 year old out of the tub.  I was standing at the sink in the kitchen and Jackson grabbed the new Ipad and ran and said "bath".  So off I went like a bat out of hell chasing him in my socks on hardwood floor.  So needless to say I went flying around the corner and slipped and fell.  1 inch gash over my eye that required stitches and a huge shiner.  I was proud to say I had made it 43 years without getting one.  I know right now there are a few people that would like to give me one, but I could take 'em.

So note to self, keep electronics out of reach of toddlers or wear shoes in the house. 

The following day, I went to the gym to get my sweat on and flippin' fell off the treadmill.  I was more embarrassed than hurt, so I thought.  Knee is still swollen and after consultation with the doc, I need to stay off of the running for a couple of weeks, so it knocks me out of this Tinkerbell 1/2 marathon I was planning on for the last several months.   I was bummed and angry at myself, because I didn't really train hard over the holidays and was kicking into gear the last 10 days, a little self sabotage.  I guess it's fine, I will get back on track, and train for the Rock n' Roll 1/2 in Pasadena at the end of February and the OC Marathon to run with Train 4 Autism.   The races will be there, I haven't stopped running, I just did a little indulgent and lazy over the holidays, didn't train like I should have and then when I really needed to get cracking and did the last 2 weeks, I hurt myself.  So I am learning to be a runner, and consistently train not just because I feel like it.  Make a plan stick to it.  I have worked really hard to get to this point with weight I've lost and just running in general, I will not throw in the towel. 

I am really enjoying going to the gym and working out and taking classes, I haven't done that in YEARS.  So I am the newbie at the gym again and liking it.  I realized where I need to work on my fitness and to run the miles I want to run I really do  need to be quite stronger, so training in a different way is what I am researching so I can really rock my first big race.

Thanks again to all the running moms that rock the trails before me to follow in your tracks.



  1. Oh my gosh!!!! My 3 year old has a tendency for throwing things in pools of water too, I lost an awesome hair dryer :(

    Hope you're all healed up soon!!!!


  2. 3 year olds are hilarious, I think they must work with electronic companies on a secret allowance.
